Site Progress at the Great Tapestry of Scotland Gallery

We’ve seen some amazing progress on-site this week, at the new Great Tapestry of Scotland Gallery in Galashiels. Internally and externally the building is taking shape, in particular at the first floor gallery level. The soaring roof volumes are a delight, and we hope will provide an appropriately dramatic setting for the 160 panel tapestry.
The dramatic geometric roof design is inspired by the unique roofscape of towers, dormers, gables and pitched roofs that define the architectural character of Galashiels. The intention is to create a unique building rooted in its physical and historical context, with a special room at its heart holding the history of Scotland carefully embroidered by the hands of over 1000 stitchers. A special room to re-connect a nation.
The tapestry is displayed in a radial arrangement on the first floor where the diagonal views across the gallery allow the visitor to experience each corner of Galashiels through tall glazed windows. The central rooflight and break out space gives you a space to pause on your journey around the tapestry.
Read more on our project page below, and keep up to date with progress on our social media channels.