St. Vincent Crescent Development

Written By

Andrew Bateman, James Brimble

25.5.2021 News

We’re delighted to have submitted revised plans to Glasgow City Council for a new residential development and open amenity space at St Vincent Crescent for developer Nixon Blue.

The new planning application, responding to comments made in previous applications, reduces the scale and density of development and increases the size and accessibility of the focal open amenity space. Twenty apartments are now planned compared to the original thirty six, with the height of the building reduced from 7 to 5 storeys with basement parking below.

The proposed building has been moved back into the site to create a much larger open garden and amenity space to the front of the development for use by residents and the local community, all delivering a significant improvement to the quality and sense of place within the area.

The new proposal has responded to the original 1849 masterplan for the area created by the Crescent’s architect Alexander Kirkland, which shows the former bowling club site as a site for a residential terrace echoing the listed Crescent opposite.

Lead Architect Chris Simmonds said: “The new application is a completely different design, not only in terms of the position and scale of the proposed building but also in terms of the configuration, layout, and usability of the amenity open space to the north of the proposed residential site and within the general environment of St Vincent Crescent as a whole. The result, we believe, is a high-quality proposal with placemaking at its heart, responding to the historic quality of the Crescent.  The development and significant new garden space will result in a tangible enhancement to the area, completing the original 19th century masterplan vision of Alexander Kirkland.”

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