Milngavie Public Realm Strategy
Strategic moves and development opportunities

Completed in 2021, Page\Park has supported Milngavie BID, a community organisation formed of stakeholders and representatives of local businesses, to develop a public realm strategy for Milngavie.
This relationship between Page\Park and Milngavie BID began in 2018 when Page\Park was approached to develop proposals for an artwork at the start of the West Highland Way. Page\Park subsequently supported Milngavie BID to deliver a further phase of streetscape improvements in 2021. In parallel with this streetscape project, Page\Park was appointed to develop a public realm strategy for Milngavie, considering the wider strategic moves, and identifying short and long term economic development opportunities.

Analysis and consultation
The public realm study project commenced with an extensive period of research and analysis. This comprised historical, contemporary and experiential aspects, and we endeavoured to walk and record every aspect of the town ‘experience’, to more accurately assess how it functions. We analysed circulation, transport, and use of public space, in addition to undertaking an extensive audit of the public realm.
In April 2021, we ran a public consultation exercise to gather feedback on the existing town centre and pedestrianised precinct, and invite suggestions for improvements, with the benefit of local knowledge and experience. This exercise had a strong response rate – 333 persons in total – and gave us a reliable impression of patterns of movement in the town.

From this analysis and consultation, we developed a series of proposals, identifying specific sites and opportunities for investment – 57 potential projects in total. Some are long term aspirations with more complex delivery, but we believe that many should be deliverable incrementally at a scale comparable to recent small projects in the town centre.
We recognised the energy that the community has towards improving the town, and firmly believe that a public realm strategy that they, along with the BID, can take ownership of would be the most effective end result from this project.

Project Info
Milngavie BID
November 2021