Johnstone Town Centre Vision Framework

Our Johnstone

Our Johnstone

This plan sets out an ambitious vision for the future of Johnstone Town Centre. It identifies a range of actions and key projects which have been developed in response to the ambitions of local residents, businesses and key stakeholders as well as national policies guiding the future of our town centres. The plan supports the sustainable growth of the town centre, ensuring that it evolves as a diverse, sustainable and thriving place for the local community and settlements across West Renfrewshire. The vision offers an opportunity to shape a Johnstone town centre which is fit for the future – a town centre which is vibrant, sustainable, connected, green and resilient.

Project Approach

Renfrewshire Council and a specialist consultant team worked together with local residents, businesses and community groups to develop the plan. This included an informal ‘drop in’ event, online survey, visits to local schools and one to one meetings with local stakeholders and community organisations. Around 1800 people contributed their views and ideas, which have informed a series of key principles and actions.

Key Catalyst Projects

The guiding principles are supported by 10 projects which will help deliver the vision. These range from ‘early win’ projects which could be realised in the short term to longer term aspirations. The projects should be seen as a framework for collaborative action with the local community and a wide range of stakeholders. The details may need to be flexible over time in response to opportunities and available support but form the basis of action over the next 5 to 10 years.

An example of a one of the key projects is the Civic Squares.

The Civic Squares play a key role in defining the character and identity of Johnstone and together with the Town Hall are the heart of the social and cultural offer of the town. There is an opportunity to introduce enhancements to the squares to reinforce their key role. This could include restoration of heritage features such as the bandstand, considering how the squares could be improved for events, opportunities for play and increasing biodiversity through more diverse planting.

Next Steps

The vision and priorities within the Johnstone Town Centre Vision Framework have been developed in partnership with the local community. The role of this plan is to provide a framework for further collaborative action and to steer decisions over actions, initiatives and partnerships within the area over the next five to ten years. The plan should be seen as flexible in response to funding opportunities and available support. Collaboration is crucial and delivery of priorities will require positive partnership working between the Council, local residents and stakeholders that has been the focus of this plan.

The local community, Renfrewshire Council and all of those with an interest in the future of Johnstone town centre will work in partnership to develop and deliver the vision as a catalyst for the next chapter in the story of ‘Our Johnstone’.

Johnstone Today

Johnstone lies 3 miles west of Paisley and is the largest settlement in West Renfrewshire with a population of around 16,000. The town has a distinctive, historic character with a rich industrial heritage as well as strong civic, cultural, and retail functions, serving both the local community and settlements across West Renfrewshire.

The town centre is focussed around the civic spaces of Houstoun Square and Ludovic Square. A pedestrianised precinct connects the two squares with Johnstone Town Hall a key node along this route. The Town Hall was constructed in 2015 as a civic and community hub for the town and includes a library, theatre, conference space, marriage suite and office space, as well as a community office for Police Scotland.

A range of retail and business uses are located on the streets surrounding the civic squares, particularly on High Street, Church Street and Quarry Street. In recent years retail development has taken place at the edges of town centre, including a Morrisons food store to the north and a retail park development anchored by an Aldi food store to the west.

The town centre today is a great example of a compact and walkable place with a variety of shops, business, facilities and activities which support people to live well locally.


Johnstone developed as a planned town, formed around the house of Easter Cochrane, later known as Johnstone Castle. Designs were commissioned by the Laird George Houstoun in 1782 with his vision quickly developing from a hamlet of 50 homes to a bustling town. Key to growth were planned streets and the iconic Johnstone High Parish Church, attracting settlers and fostering a thriving community of 1,500 within a decade. Industrial development underpinned this growth with thread and cotton mills lining the town, powered by the Black Cart Water. Though these mills are gone and replaced by modern development, Johnstone’s heritage lives on. Historic buildings like the High Parish Church, the town’s unique urban grid and its civic squares tell tales of the past. The opportunity to enhance these assets and share their stories is key to rooting the future of the town in Johnstone’s unique history.

Paton's Mill Johnstone

Project Info

Renfrewshire Council
April 2024
Community Consultation
Graphic Design
Cost Consultant
Sustainable Engineering
Social & Economic
Richard Whitcomb